August 19, 2021
19th of August is an International VPN Day
What Is A VPN
What is a VPN - well commonly known as a virtual private network these more and more common and essential services give you the online privacy and sometimes more importantly, anonymity when surfing on your PC or mobile devices. By creating a private network from an existing public internet connection, VPNs' mask your IP (internet protocol address) so that all your online actions and transactions are virtually untraceable.
Why Do You Need A VPN
Look back at all the times you have been on the go. Maybe reading emails at the local coffee shop, maybe checking your bank account whilst waiting in a public spot. If you are not logged into a private Wi-Fi network that needed a password to access, the bad news is your data transmitted during that session may be vulnerable to strangers using the same public network. Now we are not saying they all are bad, and you are about to be hacked and all your personal data sent to the world, but can you take that chance?
So, here is the technical bit! How does a virtual private network actually protect your online privacy? Well let us explain this, VPNs create a tunnel of data between your local network and what we call an exit node in another place. This node can be thousands of miles away, making the connect seem like it is in another part of the world, thus enabling you the online freedom you need.
A more technical way of explaining a VPN is it uses encryption to scramble your data when it is sent over a Wi-Fi network. This essential encryption of the data makes it pretty much unreadable to anybody outside who may be eavesdropping on your online activity.
What Does A VPN Hide
There is no such thing as a secret when you use the web, your provider and browser whether on a PC or mobile can track pretty much everything you see and do over the connection. Let’s think about travel, visit an airline website looking to fly in the next few weeks and without the best VPN installed on your phone the website might not display the best fares to you. This is because they can see your browsing history and know you are looking for those cheap flights!
What about streaming movies or professional sports? If you pay for these broadcasts and downloads when you travel abroad or even across country the streaming service may become unavailable! This may be contractual or changes in regulations in various countries but by having the best VPN for iPhone for example may mean you can watch your event without having it throttled back or even not available.
And finally, and not wanting to scare monger, lets talk briefly about identity theft! Something that is happening more and more these days, your personal identity being used to defraud you and financial institutions of millions of dollars yearly. If you use public Wi-Fi a cyberthief on that same network could be stealing your login details and credit card information and using or selling to others. A VPN can help you safeguard your digital persona and data you send and receive across the web and surely that’s piece of mind and all the security you may need.
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