Save with Padmate coupons, promo codes, discount codes, and deals for January 2025. We donate 5% towards the Rainforest Conservation projects every time you use our Coupons
Yes, there are Padmate deals, coupons, promo codes and discount codes available. Here are some of the latest Padmate coupons and deals:
eCoupon Shares coupon and promo codes website only shows Padmate coupons and promo codes that are valid for January 2025
Not only do we offer the latest and greatest Padmate coupons and promo codes, but when you buy with us you get the best deal as well as helping to support our partnered environmental conservation scheme
Padmate is committed to the acceleration of global technology, consistently delivering the highest quality consumer electronic products, second to none. Their operations focus on 3 key areas: Bluetooth Devices, Smart Devices and Contract Manufacturing. Padmate offers 1 year warranty, expert customer service and worldwide shipping. Padmate is recommended by NBA Stars and 100,000+ backers.
Valid until Dec 31
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Founded in 2010, Padmate Technology Co., Ltd is an advanced technology subsidiary of the Harda Group, which was established in 1994. Padmate drives global change with all of the products we design and manufacture, ‘concept-to-deliverable’ thinking positions us at the leading-edge of innovation. We are committed to the acceleration of global technology, consistently delivering the highest quality consumer electronic products, second to none. As a global leader and visionary in quality audio and smart technology devices, we are---Padmate.
In constant pursuit of 'Delivering Perfect Sound and Innovating Intelligent Interaction', PaMu (Padmate Music) was created and defined to be THE premium audio product line, under the Padmate brand. PaMu’s successes evolved from three projects, which started on Indiegogo in 2018.
The first was the 'PaMu (1.0) X13 TWS Sport Earbuds', fetching nearly $1,000,000 U.S. dollars in consumer funding.
The second was the 'PaMu Scroll', which received the coveted ‘iF Design Award’ for TWS earbuds and sports an attractive, cylindrical, leather charging case. The PaMu Scroll set an Indiegogo campaign record in technology for 2018 and again in 2019.
Our third success was the 'PaMu Slide', which received the prestigious ‘Red Dot Design Award’ for truly wireless earbuds, incorporating Qualcomm noise-cancelling technology. The campaign was funded with $6,500,000 U.S. dollars and had an impressive 85,000 excited backers.
These three worldwide campaigns demonstrated global recognition and acceptance of our products, and our brand, now loved by our customers from over 150 countries.
Padmate customers benefits
Follow this easy step by step guide to save on Padmate products with our Padmate coupons, promo codes, discount codes and deals
1. Go to the Padmate coupons and promo codes page on website to choose the code or deal that you like. Select your desired Padmate coupon, promo code, discount code or deal and Click 'Get deal', or 'Get code'
2. Check your deal offer, click 'Copy code' if the code is available, and click 'Continue' button to go to the Padmate website
3. Continue to the Padmate website, choose the products you like and add the items to your shopping cart, then click Proceed to Checkout
4. On the Padmate shopping cart page enter your Padmate coupon, promo code or discount code into the box marked 'Enter discount code', then click 'Apply'.
Enjoy your Padmate discount and don’t forget to register an account on eCoupon Shares to share these great savings with your friends and family to help support Green Projects every time they shop with Padmate.
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